McNichol & Associates, LLC > Our Services > Private Investment Fund Services

Private Investment Fund Services

Through our affiliate, Strategic Fund Services, LLC we provide administration services to hedge funds, fund of funds and private equity funds. Strategic serves domestic and offshore funds and our clients range from new fund launches to established fund complexes. We service a variety of strategies including long/short, fixed income, sector specific and geographic specific funds. Strategic provides comprehensive outsourcing solutions including fund administration, outsourced accounting and CFO services and consulting services. Our services are customized to clients’ specific needs and are provided by experienced professionals. Our private investment fund services include:

NAV Services

  • Import trading activity to our multi-currency accounting system
  • Calculate and record income and expense accruals
  • Prepare detailed books and records
  • Verification of pricing through independent third party pricing sources
  • Calculation of fund net asset value

Investor Services

  • Review investor subscription documents
  • Allocate income among investors and calculate each investor’s NAV
  • Preparation and distribution of investor account statements
  • Calculate fund performance statistics

Outsourced Accounting and CFO Services

  • Calculate daily NAV and performance
  • Cash services including accepting/paying subscriptions, redemptions and expenses
  • Audit coordination including drafting of annual financial statements
  • Management company services including preparation of operating budget, record keeping, and cash services (billing, paying expenses, etc)

Consulting Services

  • Review fund offering memorandum and subscription documents
  • Advise on operating policies and procedures
  • Provide consultation regarding: Systems, Fund Structures and Fee Structures